
Express is a collaborative installation, a space designed for interaction and creativity. As a collective we wanted to create a surreal blank canvas environment, which visitors could express themselves with how they felt. Our ideas focused on channelling emotions through self-expression, as it is through emotions that we connect as humans.

We asked visitors to choose colours and doodle imagery that reflects their current emotion and emotion they’ve felt and wanted to express. The triangulated suspended skin has been created to entice people to walk into the space and help bring out the inner child in adult visitors, as well as operating as a fun environment for the children. A TV was present to instruct visitors with our concept through an illustrated stop motion animation. 

The white space on the floor and the surface of the structure allows visitors to doodle anywhere and everywhere with coloured pens. The drawings culminated, transforming the white solitude space into a colourful expressive one. 

The combination of our team skills and course specialisms has allowed us to create this for The Degree Show.

Edward Yau/ Lisa Lan/ Joanna Ng/ Lavanya Kumaran/ Gerald Manalastas/ Sakib Hasan/ Jenny Doherty/ Sarah Delgado/ Vivian Diep/ Polly Chan

